(1) How to proceed with the game
After deciding the gear, roll the dice to advance the machine.The table below shows the relationship between gear and movement amount.
Amount of movement
0 (Only when stopped)
D (Round up a few)
1D + 1
1D + 2
1D + 3
If you get a 1, you can change it to your liking.
The course consists of two lanes, and you can choose between "go straight" and "change lane".
However, you cannot change lanes continuously.
(2) Tire wear and course off
There is a square with numbers in the corner. If the amount of movement is larger than that number when stopping or passing through that square, the tires will be consumed by the amount of excess.At that time, if the durability of the tire is exceeded, it will be off course. Move next to the numbered squares outside the corner.
If there is a machine that has already gone off course, it will be next to the next square.
It will be closed as many times as the number of excesses.
(3) Use of the pits
Tires can be replaced with new ones in the pits. You can do pit work in the grid square next to the pit lane.The maximum approach speed to the pit lane is 7. In the pit lane, the gear should be 3rd or lower.
(4) Game flow with several machines
We will move from the machine running in front of each round.The machine that goes off the course will be next to the next square. The machine in the pit lane will be next to the square next to the pit lane exit.
You cannot enter a square with other machines. However, you can enter the square of a machine that is lapped.
A machine that is lapped will be retired and removed from the course if another machine enters or is overtaken by another machine.
(5) Time and goal
One round is 6 seconds. The time to cross the goal line is the ratio of the distance to the goal line and the amount of movement.The ranking will be in the order of earliest time. If the times are the same, the machine that was moved first will be ranked higher.
The goal machine will be removed from the course.